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Sample Submission Guidelines

Please review our submission guidelines prior to sending us your samples. Following these guidelines will ensure your DNA arrives in our hands in good condition.

We recommend sending at least 20 μL of gDNA at a concentration of 20 ng/μL in an aqueous solution (preferably low EDTA buffer or molecular grade water). Although not required, the gDNA can also be dried down with a freeze drier/lyophilizer or a SpeedVac. While library preparation only requires 5 μL of 20 ng/μL DNA, it is always preferable to send in more volume than the minimum requirement. Please ensure that sample concentrations do not exceed 50 ng/μL and are not less than 5 ng/μL. While we have often sequenced samples with 1 ng/μL concentrations, we recommend concentrations within a range of 5 – 50 ng/μL.

Since the quality of DNA also affects OmeSeq-qRRS, it is important that you send DNA that meets certain specifications. DNA quality can be ascertained by digesting a few random samples with any 4-bp restriction enzyme cutter, then running it alongside the undigested DNA control on a 1% agarose gel (or Bioanalyzer or TapeStation). A smear should be apparent in the digested DNA sample relative to the high molecular weight undigested control. At a minimum, we recommend you run at least 3 random samples per plate to assess DNA quality. While OmeSeq is also robust for highly degraded DNA samples, we recommend high molecular weight DNA. We have successfully used OmeSeq on samples degraded down to about 2-5 kb fragments (i.e. pre-digestion).

Please send samples in 96-well plates that are preferably fully skirted or semi-skirted, as the skirt provides extra stability during transportation. If shipping in a non-skirted plate, you can add extra support by placing the 96-well plate in a pipet tip box, plate holder, or something similar.

There are many options for sealing plates, but we do not recommend any adhesive or heat-sealing films. Adhesive films often don’t seal well and result in leakage during shipment, whereas heat-sealing films are sometimes difficult to remove once we receive the samples. Recommended plate-sealing methods include using good quality foil tape (make sure there are no bumps or wrinkles on the foil as this will cause leakage), brand-matching strip caps, or silicone sealing mats.

All plates that are sent to us must be clearly labeled. Please append a prefix (P1, P2, P3... or Plate1, Plate2, Plate3…) for each plate that you send.

Individual plates should be sandwiched between two pieces of rigid cardboard (cut to roughly the same size if aluminium foil seals are used) and secured by a rubber band to ensure they remain stable during shipment. The plate can then be placed inside a watertight bag, e.g. a Ziploc bag, to protect against plate-to-plate contamination should one be compromised during shipment.

Alternatively, individual sealed plates can be wrapped in bubble-wrap and placed inside a small box to prevent bending/deforming, and/or other damages to the plate during shipping.

Samples can then be placed inside a shipping container (padded envelope, box, or other protective shipping package) and shipped either at room temperature or on cold packs.

Packages should be shipped overnight (next day delivery) Monday-Thursday to ensure samples do not arrive on the weekend; we will not receive these until Monday and there may be a reduction in quality of your DNA samples.

Once you have shipped your DNA samples, please notify us via email ( the name of the courier company and tracking number.

Shipping Address:
BASEwise Solutions
9111 Cross Park Drive, Ste E-150
Knoxville, TN 37923

When shipping your samples to the United States, please consider the following recommendations:

1. Use a courier and select the fastest delivery offered. Examples of couriers include FedEx, DHL, World Courier or UPS.

FedEx (
World Courier (

2. Avoid shipping around a U.S. Federal holiday. Schedule your shipment to go out early in the week (Monday or Tuesday) for arrival on a weekday and to avoid delays associated with delivering on a weekend.  Depending on where you are shipping from, it can take 2-5 days for delivery (if it will take 4 or 5 days, please ship only on a Monday or Friday).

3. Package your samples with a cold pack, especially if your shipment will take 3 to 5 days for delivery.

4. Place packaged plates in a Styrofoam cooler with the cold packs and ensure there is sufficient cushioning surround the samples to prevent movement within the Styrofoam cooler. Then place the Styrofoam cooler inside a cardboard shipping box.

5. Ensure that the box you ship in looks clean and is free from any markings and labels that do not represent the materials you are currently shipping. If you re-use a box, remove, or black out any other preexisting labels on the shipping box.

6. Inside the cardboard box, include a copy of the Sample Submission Form and signed Project Quote.

7. On the outside of the box, complete, print and include a U.S. Customs letter (template provided by us) along with your shipping documents to avoid the requirement for a USDA import permit and prevent shipping delays.